Susanne Mengele grew up with Franco Thamér’s vividly told anecdotes: of special places, fascinating places and sensory impressions that remain firmly rooted in the artist’s mind to this day. It is of these that his powerful, expressive pictures relate, thriving on the colour spectra that Franco Thamér has seen, and whose importance he recognises. Susanne Mengele also heard of the different periods of creativity through which the artist - a native of Kärtner – has passed during the course of his creative life. The young woman wanted to retrace all these moments, to walk in the artist’s footsteps, and to experience what he felt there.
She spent five years looking for clues: researching on all the continents and finding in hotels, restaurants and private collections, paintings whose value has risen enormously in the meantime. In these works, Franco Thamér recorded his somnambulist sensual impressions, visualised in splendid colours. Out of gratitude for her dedication, Franco Thamér responded by opening the ART thamér gallery, which is run by Susanne Mengele. The artist found the fitting location during a round flight over Chiemgau. In addition to new works, others on loan from all over the world also testify to Franco Thamér’s intuitive perception and profound inspiration, and to him as an artist who has created pictures of such a magical attraction. As a gesture of recognition of the gallerist’s commitment, there is also a slide-show: ‘Tracing the Steps of the Artist, Franco Thamér’, which shows places throughout the world where he has stopped off.

Art Book about Franco Thamér
Order the detailed and informative 70-page art book about the artist Franco Thamér for free. This art book contains many reproductions of his extraordinary works of art. The book can be ordered directly from the gallery. Please send us an e-mail or use our contact form.
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Well-conceived harmony

The ART thamér Gallery has an appealing room concept, with an interior design that displays well-conceived harmony, and a location where the timeless art of Franco Thamér finds acceptance. It is also intended as an art centre: as a place that not only promotes young artists, but also offers easy access to art to all who are interested. Boundaries and points of contact are overcome – as with Franco Thamér’s creation ‘Art Break’, which is on view in front of the gallery. It invites visitors to sit down, to ponder, and rto eflect upon art.